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3D printing with janus1004

3D printing with janus1004

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Movement tray - Own design in TinkerCAD

Tutoring 5
Skill 4
Idea 5
Movement tray - Own design in TinkerCAD

TinkerCAD is a great, free, online CAD drawing program which also persons (like me) with a very limited CAD background can use. Here I designed a movement tray (120mm wide, the slots are 40.3mm by 20.3mm) for my light cavalry. Note that I added magnet holes which fit perfectly to the magnets. This is really a way to be creative and create custom and flexible trays.

It was printed using a brim of 5mm (as the shape is rather rectangular, just to be safe) and 0.2mm layers. I will continue the painting of this in the “Historical minis” project.

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janus1004George Sealy Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Looks great! I’ve done something similar in the past creating bases for 6mm Blucher units. The ability to make exactly the shape you like and tinker with it is very empowering. In my case I found OpenSCAD was a good tool, mainly because my mind is weird that way and likes the “programming” aspect of it…

Just a question – what is on the cavalry base that connects to the magnets? Is it another magnet, or something like thin steel?

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