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Tale of Three Tigers

Tale of Three Tigers

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Tutoring 6
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Idea 5

Putting aside the hull for now , I started on a “Porsche ” turret . And while some of the BA turrets are two or three piece affairs , the Tiger II turrets ( like the JS III & KV II ) are 6 pieces , And a real PIA to put together unless you have three hands

The problem is there are little or no pins or slot / lip to align the turret sides , rear  and roof . Very much add glue to all pieces and hold together gingerly till it sets . Once set ,it looks great , just make sure you have a free hour or so to get this done right .  The kit gives you the option of 2 turrets , but you only get one commader’s hatch , AA machine gun rail  and turret fan cover . I found the extra pieces I need in the parts box left over from a Rubicon Tiger , so I can end up with 3 hulls and 4 complete turrets from this Tiger Zug box .

The initial “Porche ” turrets had a pistol port on both sides of the turret as well as a ” communication ” hatch much like the early Panther D on the left side . These were welded closed fairly early in production and then deleted altogether . Also , spare track links were not mounted on production ” Porsche ” turrets , a refit in late “44 added them to the 3 or 4 remaining tanks of this type , so if you want an accurate model , do your research . P turreted tanks were seen with track on the turret roof of wedged between the exhaust pipes

So lots of little things to consider before I finish this turret . Weather or not to add the pistol ports , as well do I add the track links on the turret sides ( all Eastern front units ) or build a Normandy Tiger ( with ports ? ), And still need to find a decent crew …

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Cult of Games Member

Epic project thread, and super-detailed step-by-step too! Damn, a Tiger II must be huge in 28mm.

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