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Bolt Action Sarrisa Ruined Farmhouse

Bolt Action Sarrisa Ruined Farmhouse

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Tutoring 9
Skill 7
Idea 9
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So it begins. Ok so the building was built ages ago by yours truly and then left to gather viewing dust, but now ah haaaa, tis time to make this bad boy feckin awesome. So this is what iv done so far…

First I glued the building to a base ( back of a tatty wardrobe left by the previous owners of my house) then i textured with a bit of Pollyfilla and added a few sprinkles of tallus (medium size ish rock thingymibobs) and let dry, oh and pushed in some fence posts cut from cooking matches.

Then a healthy coat of watered down PVA and mucho mucho sprinkles of some builder sand i bought for a diy project which i baked to dry out and so far have had some good results from for basing so ya know how it goes, use what you got.

just now glued on some coffee stirrerer fence panels and added all the building card extras, like door frames, window shutters and doors, i just ripped these up for damage and obviously blew the bloody doors out 😀

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