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A quick and easy gaming table for home

A quick and easy gaming table for home

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Some Colour

Tutoring 12
Skill 13
Idea 10

After 45 mins drying time I added some colour using Vallejo Brown earth texture paint £8.50 a tub (used around 1/2).

This needed to be watered down a lot as it was very difficult to apply straight from the pot.

Again 2 coats were applied and the paint was dappled on.

What I have now is a perfectly usable, easy to store board that I made in around 4 hours and cost around £12 -£13

I intend to wash and drybrush the board a bit in the future and will add pictures when I get round to this.

Tonight however the board will be used as is for a game of Wild West Exodus.


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thedacegremlin Recent comment authors
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Looking good, have you had any problems with the boards warping?

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