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Painting Armiger Helverins for my Ultramarines

Painting Armiger Helverins for my Ultramarines

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Finishing steps

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Finally the decals which will enhance this model significantly. Apply the Vallejo Decal Fix first, wherever you plan to have a decal later. I cut out all the decals I wanted and put then into some water. Placing them is very easy on this model as it does not have extremely curvy surfaces. However, to make sure the decal sits nicely, I applied some Vallejo Decal Softener on top of every decal.

Finishing steps

As soon as the decals are dry, I gave them some Army Painter Antishine to surpress their shininess. With that done, I did the final steps on this modell. I painted the rim of the base with Vallejo Black Surface Primer using a brush, applied some highlight on the main guns with Vallejo Glorious Gold and Vallejo Black Surface Primer to give the guns a used look and I glued down all the tufts. Last, I applied a matt coat of varnish wit Vallejo Mecha Varnish.

Finishing steps

Done. Hope you enjoyed reading!

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Cult of Games Member

Great read, really enjoyed all the detail on each of the steps, thanks for sharing!

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