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Burrows & Badgers - Painting & Gaming

Burrows & Badgers - Painting & Gaming

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Wild Cat Progress

Tutoring 10
Skill 13
Idea 10
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So work is progressing on Tilly The Wildcat Warrior for my extended family of Burrows & Badgers models.

This lunchtime I worked on the metal plates and the bronze/gold that serves as the secondary metallic on the model.

I have been trying ever so hard not to ruin the fur which I spent a while trying to get right. I always hate going back over parts of a model like that.

The model will start to come to life a lot more once I get the leather work done, washes, and the final level of highlighting done to the model.

She is turning out very well indeed and I can’t wait to get to work on the various different stages of making her pop.

Marmot and Mouse Thief waiting in the wings too haha.

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davehawes Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Very nice looking model and clean painting as always. One thing I struggled with when doing grey fur plus armour (for the Skorza I painted) was that it all ends up very grey. That is why after the first model I switched it up to a bronze/coppery look to the armour just to have that contrast. Though the amount of gold and cloak here might do the trick.

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