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Learning to paint Non-metallic Metals (NMM)

Learning to paint Non-metallic Metals (NMM)

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High hopes!

Tutoring 3
Skill 0
Idea 3
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It all began as a friendly challenge. “Hey, we should try painting up a Stormcast Eternal using NMM”. Neither of us had any plans (at the time!) to build a Stormcast army, so it seemed a safe bet – just a single figure to paint up as a change from painting full units.

A trip to my local Warhammer store led to a purchase of these guys...A trip to my local Warhammer store led to a purchase of these guys...

NMM is all about understanding how light bounces off surfaces – where highlights are, how they reflect off different types of surface and so on. A quick search will turn up any number of great tutorials.

Doing some research into how people paint NMM, I came across the Painting Buddha tutorials. These are fantastic and really break down the process into chunks that are manageable. There’s a lot of detail here, but it’s delivered at a pace that lets you “paint along” with the video. If I’d had any sense, I’d have got the same model to remove some of the cognitive load over where to place highlights and so on.

It turns out I don’t have any sense 😀

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