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Regiment Structure 1

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Regiment Structure 1

So during my hobby hiatus, i have collected a lot of books that have kept my hand in as it were.  One book that I’ve dug up was ForgeWorld’s Imperial Armour Volume three: The Taros Campaign. This has diagrams that show the regimental structure for the Elysians.

So from this i can now say I have  a Drop Company with two Platoons ( a Drop infantry Platoon( 1st and 2nd Sqaud) and 1x Heavy weapons Platoon)

Additional to this it seams that i have a small Squadron of Drop Sentinels and a pair of Tauros Venators that make up a small mechanized recon attachment.

The organisational charts show that each squad have their own Valkyrie drop ship. …i might have to buy a pair….

Oh and maybe 1 or 2 Vultures too… wallet is already aching like a punched kidney…

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