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Battle Arena

Battle Arena

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Idea 1
For the base of the arena I used a Jarvis flocked roll (from the not so local model shop). Cheating I know but I liked the colour.For the base of the arena I used a Jarvis flocked roll (from the not so local model shop). Cheating I know but I liked the colour.
When the board was laid on the paper side of the roll I cut it oversized to allow for any error in the gluing the two together. To glue the two together the surfaces needed to be dust free so I used cloth and cleaned both the board and mat then both surfaces were sprayed with the adhesive and left for up to five minutes to become tacky. With both surfaces ready the board was pressed into the mat and left to dry further.When the board was laid on the paper side of the roll I cut it oversized to allow for any error in the gluing the two together. To glue the two together the surfaces needed to be dust free so I used cloth and cleaned both the board and mat then both surfaces were sprayed with the adhesive and left for up to five minutes to become tacky. With both surfaces ready the board was pressed into the mat and left to dry further.
 I'm using a tin of spray adhesive to stick the mat to the board, I know!  Using glue to stick something down isn’t new but when I tested some PVA earlier in the week and I wasn’t happy with the results. The issue with spray glue is the overspray so if you’re going to use it lay down paper lol (it took me half an hour to clean it up). Oh and use in a well-ventilated space!!! I'm using a tin of spray adhesive to stick the mat to the board, I know! Using glue to stick something down isn’t new but when I tested some PVA earlier in the week and I wasn’t happy with the results. The issue with spray glue is the overspray so if you’re going to use it lay down paper lol (it took me half an hour to clean it up). Oh and use in a well-ventilated space!!!
Ok so I left it about an hour and it seems solid enough to work with, so I started by using a pencil to poke the post holes though the matOk so I left it about an hour and it seems solid enough to work with, so I started by using a pencil to poke the post holes though the mat

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I would’ve been worried about making those holes disturbing the affixing of the mat, but looks like the mat held in place nicely.

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