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AoS Build and Paint

AoS Build and Paint

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Stage 1 Plaguebearers

Tutoring 19
Skill 15
Idea 5

Like I said, I wanted a quick scheme that would look good on the table, and I’m really pleased with how these have turned out so far.

The main scheme is just shades.

  • Wash all over with Athonian Camoshade
  • Carroburg Crimson for the open wounds and guts as well as along their back and spine
  • Seraphim Sepia for the pus and boils
A bit of plastic bum for Lloyd there.A bit of plastic bum for Lloyd there.
Stage 1 Plaguebearers
Stage 1 Plaguebearers
This is Brian the Bee, he thinks he's a plaguebearer but he's just a confused wee bee. This is Brian the Bee, he thinks he's a plaguebearer but he's just a confused wee bee. "YOU'RE A BEE BRIAN!"

If you’re going to do this same scheme, one tip would be to go easy on the seraphim sepia. I found it dries much darker than you might expect and as a result it’s a little heavy handed in places. All the same it looks great on the table with a nice strong contrast so I’ll likely just leave as is.

I think once the details are picked out on these such as the teeth and eyes, as well as getting the weapons painted they’ll be looking really well. They could be tidier but they’re just a bunch of battle line guys, I’ll be spending a bit more time on the heroes etc. I’ve already started Horticulous Slimux and he is great fun to work on.

Great thing about this is I’ll have a unit of plaguebearers good to go in no time.

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thelostdoglloydsheepmanlancorzdavehawes Recent comment authors
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wow, this looks really effective, even with just the washes 🙂

Cult of Games Member

It is a great result with a minimal set of stages, thanks for sharing the technique.


This is a great entry, looking forward to seeing more on these.


This looks great. Nurgle really lend themselves to washes.


@thelostdog – class bum shot lol

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