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AoS Build and Paint

AoS Build and Paint

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Mass Base Coat

Tutoring 5
Skill 1
Idea 6
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I took some time yesterday to get the base coats done. I stuck the models to strips of card in batches of five or so using double sided tape and took them into the back garden for spraying. The GW sprays can be a bit expensive just like everything else GW but the convenience of grabbing them from a local store and base coating over 50 models in under 30 minutes is worth the price to me, otherwise I’d never get any painting done.

The majority of the Stormcast got sprayed with Retributor Armour, everything else got hit with Corax White. The Stormcast on Chicken Horse mounts got hit with Corax White, most of the model is the mount, the riders are not seperate one peice models that can be lifted off so they got hit with the white as well.

Mass Base Coat

My favourite part this early stage is when you first base coat the models and the details start to pop out at you.


Once I got the kids to bed last night I took a couple of hours to start painting the Nurgle models, I’ll post some pics of those later. I did the easiest scheme possible as this is a mass speed paint for the most part, I just want good looking painted armies quickly so I can get them to the table. I think they turned out great so far so I’ll detail the paint scheme when I post the pics.

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