How Manda (Amachan) Makes Her .gifs.
Things you're going to need.
For starters you’re going to need a camera that can record video, most phones nowadays can do this so no need to buy anything in most cases. You will need something to mount your camera on to keep it steady and aimed at the miniature. Next you will need a self rotating turntable to put the miniature on. This will rotate the miniature as you record the video. Next up is video editing software. This can be very basic as all you need to do with it is cut the recorded video to size and render it in .avi format. Other formats might be accepted by the next program, but I have not tested this as such. After that there is a program I use called openAviToGif. Other programs might be available, but this one is open source and free to use unlike my video editing software. Two more things you’re going to need is a PC and a well-lit area for recording.
The things I use:
Canon PowerShot SX160 IS
Trumpeter Turntable #09830
VEGAS Pro 14.0
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