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Foehammer’s Konflikted Painting Table

Foehammer’s Konflikted Painting Table

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Flashback Tuesday

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 5
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I don’t have any new status pictures of the terrain table for today, so I figured I’d show some status on other small items I’ve been working on over the last few weeks.

The first, which were shown a little while ago on the WAYPN forum thread, are some customer tokens I made for my K47 force. These basically were the result of my basing approach for my K47 miniatures.

  1. I use Privateer Press lipped bases to base my K47 miniatures. I like the look of them better than the Warlord thin bases. However, this means I have LOTS of Warlord thin bases lying around from all my miniatures.
  2. I tend to base weapon teams on larger bases, and I don’t model the crew to be removable. I like how the weapon teams make small diaramas, and I also hate taking the time during game setup/deployment to locate the various crew for each weapon. Far easier to just plunk a large based weapon on the table and be done with it. The problem then becomes, tracking when wounds are done to that model, as I can’t remove individual crew members.
Image of my USMC T27 Rocket launcher, showing all the crew modeled on one base.Image of my USMC T27 Rocket launcher, showing all the crew modeled on one base.

So, I need to track wounds on models, and I have lots of small 25mm plastic disks lying around. My solution was to turn these bases into small gaming tokens. Picture below shows my first round of tokens. Most are wound tokens for weapon teams, while 1 is a larger token for marking air strike targets. Overall I like how they came out. They are great because:

  1. They use up scrap material I already have
  2. I paint them in my army olive drab base color, so they are a great way to use up excess paint on a pallet or in an airbrush. If painting a tank, and there’s paint left over in the airbrush, grab a bunch of bases and basecoat them for new tokens.

The one downside of painting them in Camo-colors was that they can sometimes blend into a tabletop. That’s why I painted the edges in such bright colors, to ensure they stand out when viewed from 3-5 feet away on a gaming table.

Image of my first round of gaming tokens. Image of my first round of gaming tokens.

The rest are just a few images of a recently completed USMC bazooka team for my Pioneer/Engineering expansion for my force. Again, he’s one of those single-base weapon teams which will require use of the tokens I created above.

USMC Bazooka TeamUSMC Bazooka Team
USMC Bazooka TeamUSMC Bazooka Team

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