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Deathguard army - dugthefug1644

Deathguard army - dugthefug1644

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Continuing the theme...

I’m not sure what inspired me, but I chose to follow the theme of variety in colours. I then realised that there was room to add converts to the Chaos cause. This poor Space Wolf was corrupted. When dying of mortal wounds inflicted psychically by a plaguecaster, Nurgle sowed seeds of doubt in his mind. It convinced him that his death was being recorded by his chapter as one of shame and disgrace. His damaged mind grasped the offer of renewed life with both hands in the hope that he could clear his name and fight on. Once the body was filled with Nurgle’s gifts the wounds healed, to a degree. Sadly the diseases fogged and twisted his mind and he soon forgot the virtuous reasons for clinging to life and instead became just another Plague marine, with all the treacherous tenacity of any of his new Deathguard brethren.

I had some Space Wolf transfers / decals in the Dark Imperium box set and used these in places to show just how recently the mutations took hold of him. Tarnished runes, but not yet corroded away. I also added green stuff fur in patches on his cloak, showing where some had rotted away and larger pieces holding in place.

The head is from The Frostgrave barbarian plastic box set. The branch growth on his head and extra piece on his shoulder are from the head of a plague marine.

Continuing the theme...
Continuing the theme...

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Cult of Games Member

The narrative is carried through wonderfully in this miniature, great idea, and great execution.

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