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Painting my Secret Weapon Dungeon Tiles

Painting my Secret Weapon Dungeon Tiles

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Into the Depths

Tutoring 0
Skill 6
Idea 2
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Here's one layout using just one Starter Set.Here's one layout using just one Starter Set.
Looks like we found the entrance.Looks like we found the entrance.
How does something that big get in here?How does something that big get in here?
These guys look serious.These guys look serious.
I'm just saying I don't like the look of the floor...I'm just saying I don't like the look of the floor...
Keep an eye on our rear while we figure out this lock.Keep an eye on our rear while we figure out this lock.
That's no easy money!That's no easy money!
Oh, this is going to hurt.Oh, this is going to hurt.

So I played around with a single Starter Set and a handful of my minis. These pieces are just a blast and I found myself rearranging set ups as a different angle would catch my eye.  Going to be even more fun once I add in mine tracks, stairs, and bridges. Hmmmm, what if I actually created a full narrative?

Something to think about later as that last batch of stained bits look ready for highlights and details.


Go get the cleric... now!Go get the cleric... now!

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Cult of Games Member

It’s almost getting to be a full stop-motion movie set! Wonderful stuff.

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