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Cthulhu Wars Sleeper expansion

Cthulhu Wars Sleeper expansion

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First up: the big guy

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 1
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Since these pieces are for a Risk-style board game, the most important thing is that they be easily identified as belonging to their faction. With the other Cthulhu Wars minis I’ve painted, I’ve tried to keep to the faction’s main color, with maybe one or at most two other colors as an accent.

First up: the big guy

The Sleeper faction is orange, which is a color best used in moderation, so I’ve decided to do this faction primarily in brown with orange highlights. Their Great Old One, Tsathoggua, is depicted as being somewhat furry, so the brown should work well.

Since I have so many figures to paint for this game, I don’t want to reinvent the wheel. I’ve decided to go with the basic Army Painter approach of colored primer + details + wash +highlights. I started with leather brown primer, followed by some detailing and a Strong Tone wash.

For the other large Cthulhu Wars figures, I’ve done a mix of matte and gloss varnish, using gloss for areas that would be wet such as slavering mouths. I did the same here for his orange boils.

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