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Paint Station Alpha

Paint Station Alpha

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Step 3 - Shelves and Storage

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 11
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With the main desk complete it was time to start considering storage.  I had considered drawers but ultimately I decided I preferred shelves for storing paint.  I like being able to look up and just see the paint in front of me and reach for the one I need rather than having to rummage through drawers.  And with all that wall space something would need to live there.

The shelves were constructed using some of the timber spars fastened together in an L shape.  This creates a two tier shelf, which is great for storing different shades on a single shelf or, as I will probably do, storing a backup for each shade.

In addition to the paint shelves I made a small storage shelf just above the desk.  This is for storing WIPs, drinks and anything else that I might want close by but allows me to keep the workspace clear.  It also, as a secondary benefit, will provide a means of keeping wires and cables tidy on the desk;  two hobbyists are likely to have a number of electrical devices including lamps, phone chargers hobby drills, you name it and the last thing we want is trailing wires everywhere.  I also thought that the additional shelf looked quite nice.

Finally I added some additional boarding to the wall at the end of the desk.  The intention here is to have a wall mounted tidy system for storing assorted equipment and supplies, chiefly bases, basing supplies and tools.


Top Tip – if, like me, you are doing the shelves a different colour to the rest of the desk, paintbthe shelves before you mount them.  I didn’t and I really wish I had.

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