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Painting my Secret Weapon Dungeon Tiles

Painting my Secret Weapon Dungeon Tiles

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Progress Report

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Okay, I’m right at two weeks since I scrubbed my first dungeon tile.  I also picked up some larger felt so it seems a good time to check in with where I am at the time of this posting.

As a refresher, I gave myself one month to get as much of my Secret Weapon Realms pledge painted as I could though really hoping for finished.  A slightly arbitrary time limit but it seemed a reasonable amount to devote to a project, there is a game convention in September I want to use them for, and I have a number of Mantic Terrain Crates arriving about then so will need a clear desk.

Here is one of the completed Starter Sets. I have painted two of the four sets though a third is over halfway there.Here is one of the completed Starter Sets. I have painted two of the four sets though a third is over halfway there.
All five sets of these are complete. I love how Mr Justn sculpted the flight descending into the floor..All five sets of these are complete. I love how Mr Justn sculpted the flight descending into the floor..
Three out of three done and ready for dwarves.Three out of three done and ready for dwarves.
Can't have mine tracks with out walls so all three of these are done as well.Can't have mine tracks with out walls so all three of these are done as well.

I just completed the second of my four Bridges Sets and love this kit the more I play around with it. They have a lot of uses outside the dungeon crawl genre. I can even see these making an appearance along a pirate coast and putting them together gives one a nice little cannon platform.

The final Starter Set is soaking in a bowl of watered down dish soap as are the Orc Warrens and the Troll Hole. There aren’t any boxes left to open. If I don’t lose focus I could meet my challenge. No turning back now, just got a fresh bottle of Agrax Earthshade after all.

Next up: Narrative pictures with minis


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