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Painting my Secret Weapon Dungeon Tiles

Painting my Secret Weapon Dungeon Tiles

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Crossing Bridges

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Three separate bridges link to form a long one.Three separate bridges link to form a long one.

Just finished painting my second bridge set. These were another source of distorted pieces though not as much as I anticipated. I assumed that half of the small planking pieces would be warped, based on my experience with the doors. I only found one piece in four sets needed the hot water treatment. The main support pieces, on the other hand, were all slightly warped.  A  soup bowl of hot water (two minutes in my microwave) for them to soak in followed by shaping in a pie tin of cold water and they were fine.

One set worth of three bridges, support rocks not shown.One set worth of three bridges, support rocks not shown.

For some inexplicable reason I painted all the parts of the first set separately, not gluing them together until after they were sealed. For the rest I have assembled the supports and planking before painting them and can heartily recommend the latter over the former.  So much easier to deal with and has lead me toward not gluing the bridges to the rocks when they are finished.

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