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Gunpla, Gunpla Everywhere

Gunpla, Gunpla Everywhere

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RG RX-78-2 Partial Build

Tutoring 5
Skill 11
Idea 10

So this is where the RX-78-2 currently stands after a few  weeks of on-and-off construction, inc. at least one bout of swearing & packing the whole kit up as one panel fell out of my fingers and went AWOL (since found on one of the runners on my pc desk frame – couldn’t do that again…).

Overall I’m digging it. It is a tad more delicate compared to other kits, and the sheer number of pieces you need just for each leg seems mind boggling but the effect of subtly different coloured plastics works really well, and the internal skeleton – created by some crazed alchemy in articulated pieces directly on the frames – is staggeringly well-jointed. Just look at how that leg bends: panels shift along struts around the bend in the knee joints.

At this point that just leaves the head, arms and equipment to go. With a bit of luck that’ll be a couple more weeks work at most. And after that? Well I have some other kits but I’m thinking something out of this recent delivery may be  on the docket. Maybe the two RX-9 (G) kits for a dose of the grittiness of The 08th MS Team?

RG RX-78-2 Partial Build

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Motion In Poetrydawfyddmecha82davehawes Recent comment authors
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nice to see some gunpla on the forums 🙂

Cult of Games Member

Very cool models, I do love a bit of giant robot action. This looks like a wonderfully detailed model as well.


RG line is something special as those are basically PG kits in 1/144 scale. Best RG IMO is still Gundam Mk. II (both AEUG and Titans versions).


… I think most gamers would be shocked how cheap you can get a titan sized mecha 😛 I’ve got 1/100 IMS V-Siren Prominence from Five Star Stories that’s over 11 iches tall, and only cost me about £50 when I brought it 😛 and it’s poseable 😛 ha ha, would make for a great Eldar titan with a bit of conversion 🙂 I suppose it’s a different market though, they sell so many that they can afford to sell them at action figure prices 😛
here’s a link with some images of it 🙂

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