Not All is Dust - A Thousand Sons blog
Chaos Spawn
Some Chaos Spawn made from kitbashing stuff from the bitz box.
Spawn 1 is a right hodgepodge of bits. The torso is two of the trees from the 3rd ed 40k starter set believe it or not. The head is a Fenrisisn Wolf (I kinda like the idea that he’s a captured Space Puppy that’s been mutated on purpose by Galen ?). The left arm is from the plastic terminator lord while the right is the tree trunk from the aforementioned 3rd ed trees, a bear trap from Fantasy ogres and a horn from somewhere. The legs are ogre arms and feet from Empire demigryphs. Finally the tail and spinal spikes are old Dark Eldar bits.
Spawn 2 is the plastic Mines of Moria cave troll with its arms and head chopped off. The new arms come from the old LotR metal ent and the new ‘head’ is procreate and beadtman horns. Finally the tail is a bit of wire and what I believe is the tail tip from a Tomb Scorpion. I’m slowly adding scales and the like with procreate across the shoulders.
Spawn 3 is the torso and arms from the old metal daemon prince. Initially I was going to use one of the prince’s backpack thingies topped with a crab claw (really old daemonette claw I think?), but I’ve decided to drop that and go with a massive torso mouth. The right hand comes from a Dungeon Saga zombie troll. I plan to have procreate cables/tendrils hanging from the underside of the torso.
Creepy, and totally on-point for a mutated mass of chaos spawn 🙂
Thanks; partly made them like this because I’m not a fan of the current Spawn, plus it’s cheaper. If I add more in future I’m considering using the random spawn generator from Realm of Chaos and trying to build what that spits out. But that’s a long way off yet, lol.