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Galen Nehebkau, Exalted Sorcerer

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Here’s one of my Exalted Sorcerers with some fluff on him:

Galen Nehebkau

Pavoni Apothecary

Pre-Heresy: Apothecary of the 5th Circle of the 4th Fellowship, Master of the Two-Headed Serpent,

Post-Heresy: Exalted Sorcerer of Tzeentch, Faeroe of the City-state of Me’henopolis of Xandria, Warden of the Helix



He started out as a regular Rubricae legs, torso and arms.  The head is from a plastic Space Marine Scout if I recall, the helmet and the crown/psychic hood are from the Scarab Occult set and the force staff is from a Tomb King.  The nathecium is made from scraps from the bitz box including bits from BFG.

The robes are sculpted from procreate as are the cables at the back of the hood.


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