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The Drowned Earth - Wispa's Militia painting project

The Drowned Earth - Wispa's Militia painting project

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Miniatures now built and bases applied (which I think might have been a mistake as I want to try doing some sort of water effects given the nature of the game but we’ll see).

Some of the parts were very fiddly and I can’t say I enjoyed the building on the whole. I always seem to find this with metal though.



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davehawes Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Nice to see a project from this game. I did a lot of work trying to do watery bases for my WoK starter set, the skullcraft water FX paint worked pretty well I thought. Would probably work well if you painted the green stuff as muddy ground, and then painted some shades of blue on the flat surfaces, then water FX on top of that blue, would look like shallow water I think.

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