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AuroraInbags Kingdom Death

AuroraInbags Kingdom Death

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Starting Survivores

Tutoring 13
Skill 15
Idea 4
Starting Survivores
Female Survivor 01 - LucyFemale Survivor 01 - Lucy
Female Survivor 02 - ErzaFemale Survivor 02 - Erza
Male Survivor 01 - ZacharyMale Survivor 01 - Zachary
Male Survivor 02 - AllisterMale Survivor 02 - Allister

Most of the paints used will be Scale75s range, unless otherwise noted. I really like their mat quality and blending capabilities.

Pale Skin, White Sands, White

Eclipse Grey (metal parts), White Sands (as base for yellow colors), Sahara Yellow (glazed over the white sands base), Mephiston Red (GW paint, ribbons) + a little white for highlights

Founding Stone/Stone Faces on base
Stormvermin Fur (GW paint), Nuln Oil (GW paint), Pallid Wych Flesh (GW paint)

Female Survivor 01 – Lucy
Skin: Arabic Shadow (base), Basic Flesh, Basic Flesh + Light Skin, Light Skin
Hair: Gobi Brown, Sahara Yellow, White Sands

Female Survivor 02 – Erza
Skin: Arabic Shadow, Basic Flesh, Basic Flesh + Light Skin + a little Pale Skin
Hair: Bosh Chestnut, Agrax Earthshade (GW paint), Bosh Chestnut + Chink Orange, Chink Orange, Chink Orange + Light Skin

Male Survivor 01 – Zachary
Skin: Arabic Shadow, Pink Flesh, Pink Flesh + Basic Flesh, Basic Flesh
Hair: I’ve lost my notes for the hair, but I believe it’s Eclipse Grey mixed in with White in various stages

Male Survivor 02 – Allister
Skin: Nacar + Arctic Blue (deep base color), Golden Skin (base), Light Skin, Light Skin + pale Skin
Hair: Sharpnel Red, Chink Orange, Peanut Butter, Sahara Yellow, Agrax Earthshade (GW paint)

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aurorainbagoriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great tones on the abs on these guys (I suddenly feel the need to go for a run). And I like the differences in skin tones. I recently tried something vaguely similar (different people in a modern Iraq War US Marine squad) and it wasn’t easy to convincingly do different skin tones.

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