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Looted Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought

Looted Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought

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Day 8 Part 1: Base coat

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 3
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I’m hoping to do a few updates today hence the part one. In line with how I’ve painted my existing Orks I’ve started off here by painting everything in what I hope is a grimy metallic and then I’m going to add the colour over the top of this. To get to this stage I started off priming everything with Vallejo black surface primer applied with an airbursh. I’m glad I did it this way as three are that many fiddly bits I had to keep going back to bits that I’d missed. Next up I simply dry brushed everything with the darkest metallic I had which in case was a Scale 75 black, then over this I dry brushed a lighter metallic. To grim this up I gave it watered down wash of Secret Weapon Baby Poo, which is a wash I really like before darkening things down with Nuln Oil.

Next up I’m going to start with the legs adding colour and detail before working up to the body then the arms. Or at least that’s the plan.

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