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Valor & Victory - 1918 (German v. French Megagame)

Valor & Victory - 1918 (German v. French Megagame)

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Units - Valor & Victory 1918 Edition

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German Imperial Army & Stormtroopers

Units - Valor & Victory 1918 Edition

Here is a sample of the Imperial German (regular army and “stosstruppen”) units so far.  The first number is an “APFP” (antipersonnel firepower), basically an attack value for anything besides hardened bunkers or vehicles.  The second number is a range, the third number is “casualty points,” basically a measure of how much damage the unit can absorb.

Note some units have two figures and larger values, some counters have one figure and smaller value.  These are full and half squads.  When units take hits, they can be pinned (up to a point), or take damage.  The number of “casualty points” the enemy player scores is the number you have to “pay for” by pinning, reducing, or removing units.  Knocking down full squads to half squads is one way you can “cover the butcher’s bill” to account for inflicted casualty points, but still retain a cohesive force.

There are also leaders (note our German commanders are named for German BoW community members) and support weapons.

United States Army and Marine Corps

Units - Valor & Victory 1918 Edition

Here are their counterparts for the United States Army circa 1918, and the US Marine Corps (famously engaged with two regiments at Belleau Wood).

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