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Deathguard army - dugthefug1644

Deathguard army - dugthefug1644

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Plague marines variety

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Plague marines variety

I hope that the army won’t just look ridiculous in the end, but I continue to go for armour colours beyond the normal Nurgle green. I hope the basing and the rotten tentacles and skin help gel them together enough.

Plague marines variety

Calling this a completed squad.

2 Blightlaunchers, 4 standard boltguns and the plague Champion from Dark Imperium.

I have another squad planned very similar, just with the champion having a plasma gun, 2 marines with plasma guns and the remaining 4 with Bolt guns.

The last 7 will be a bizarre collection of 1 Melta, 1 Blightlauncher, champion with Bolt gun, sword and power fist, a marine with a bubotic axe and the rest with boltguns.

No idea if that is a poor use of points or not, but enjoying the hobby side of the task anyway.

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As best as I can tell it looks like the army will have a unique, but ultimately cohesive and still very Nurgley look, which I think is a great achievement.

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