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3D printing with janus1004

3D printing with janus1004

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Printable Scenery - The Port House from the "Lost Islands" Kickstarter - Painted

Tutoring 0
Skill 7
Idea 3

The painted and completed Port House. Each piece was painted individually (the interiors are also painted, but they are generally rather open and functional) using the airbrush a lot. Some of the wood was done using a 4mm brush (so large!), some washes has been there as well, but I think it worked less well. For highlights I tried drybrushing, but swapped to more edge highlighting in order to avoid emphasising the print lines.

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George Sealydavehawes Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Very nice looking house, I think picking out the slightly different coloured roof tiles really adds a lot to the overall effect.

Cult of Games Member

Looks beautiful painted up – must be encouraging you to print a whole town! I agree about picking out some tiles in a different colour, I may need to steal that…

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