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Foehammer’s Konflikted Painting Table

Foehammer’s Konflikted Painting Table

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Miniature Playground

Tutoring 3
Skill 1
Idea 4
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Ok, I made a short post yesterday showing some Quonset Huts I am making for terrain for my games of K47. This is part of a greater plan to get myself a cool 4×4 table with the following goals:

  1. Be able to play at home on my newly made gaming/crafts table (which is 4×4)
  2. Get something cool that can be brought to my local store for BA/Konflikt demo days
  3. Get a gaming board more congruent with my USMC force (my current gaming terrain essentially looks like rural Poland)
  4. Get something that is a little more mission/objective oriented.

My idea is that Japanese Scientists and Engineers have worked cooperatively with German Scientists to develop a new form of fighter, and that fighter is going through test trials on this particular secret airfield. The allies mission/objective is to storm the airfield and capture/destroy the new fighter. Figured it would work for large assault missions, or potenially smaller stealth/special forces missions depending on the forces selected and specific game scenario played.

Diagram Below

Plan View of Table done in MS Powerpoint. If you've never done this before, PowerPoint can be greate for this type of work. You can set the slide size to actual (in this case 56 x 56in. and then design the table in true-scale. Plan View of Table done in MS Powerpoint. If you've never done this before, PowerPoint can be greate for this type of work. You can set the slide size to actual (in this case 56 x 56in. and then design the table in true-scale.

Here is my plan.

  1. Quonset Huts – already have these. If interested, they are from the DUST range. Each of my huts consists of 2x DUST huts glued together. I was able to get all 6 huts for $22 by buying two fo the “Operation Icarus” expansions from Miniature Market for $11 each. Each expansion set contained 3 huts.
  2. Hanger, Tower, Guard Towers – These will be procured as kits from Sarissa Precision
  3. Fencing, Bunkers, Jungle Terrain, Fuel Tanks – I am going to customer build myself, plans in process. More on these later
  4. Experimental Jet – Working Ideas now. It’s the objective, but will also help break Line of Sight down the airstrip.
  5. Airfield – this I am going to make from MDF and foamboard. The reason being is I would like to raise it slightly above table level. This will make it look like it was a graded airstrip, and will also help prevent it from being such a large flat area for LOS. Infantry will be able to gain some cover by hugging the embankment at the edge of the airstrip.


Quonset Huts from DUSTQuonset Huts from DUST

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Cult of Games Member

Looks like a cool idea and setup, are you planning on homebrewing some rules for the scenario?

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