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LordofUzkulak’s fanfics

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[WHFB] The Wheel of Chaos

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…for Chaos is a wheel and as surely as a chariot grinds the mud so to are we ground by Chaos.  And as the Star has eight points, so to does the Wheel have eight spokes.  The principal spokes are that of Rage, Desire, Despair and Hubris just as the principal Gods are Khorne, Slaanesh, Nurgle and Tzeentch.  And as the lesser Gods are named Necoho, Zuvassin, The Horned Rat and Hashut, the lesser spokes I name Nihilism, Anarchy, Ruin and Dominion.  For where rage against order and desire for freedom meet, mortals throw off the shackles of organised region; where desire to know what will happen meets the means to lead others to despair, mortals will throw the plans of others into disarray; where the despair at a loss meets the hubris that another is more deserving, mortals will seek to undo the fortunes of friend and foe alike; when the hubris that places one above another meets the rage that follows the discovery that this is not so, mortals will seek to set this right and subjugate all.  And as surely as the wheel turns about the spoke, so to does Chaos turn around Malal who I name Malignancy for it is the very nature of Chaos to turn upon itself and be self destructive.  And as the wheel turns about its axel, Chaos turns in a malignant cycle, each spoke chasing the one next to it.  Now one spoke is on top, now another, then another, forever turning.  And as no spoke may ever catch another, nor may it sit at the top of the turning wheel, so to can none of the Gods cast down another forever and no God can ever remain supreme.  Only by breaking the wheel can the cycle end, but to do so is doom for if the wheel is broken it is no longer a wheel.”

– a heretical text by an unknown author which was scratched into a hull plate from a Thinderfire Battlebarge.  The hull plate was discovered washed up fifty miles north-east of the Uzkulak port with no sign of the ship it came from.  It is now housed in the White Archives* in Mingol Zharr-Naggrund along with numerous other heretical texts collected by the Dawi Zharr during their long history.

*The White Archives is a naturally occurring immense chamber of white marble found deep within the heart of Zharr-Naggrund that stores artefacts that the Sorcerer-Prophets deem to dangerous for the general population to know about but which they do not wish to destroy, either because that would be more dangerous, that they might be of use in dire times or in the case of prophecies, books and other texts so that they can be studied by sanctified scholars in the hope that some useful knowledge may be gleaned from them for the betterment of the Empire

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