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Warhammer 40k Guard Armoured Regiment

Warhammer 40k Guard Armoured Regiment

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A Knight To Remember

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 3
1 Comment
The Blue CornerThe Blue Corner
The Green CornerThe Green Corner

Armoured Clash

Knowing that the Knight codex was just around the corner I decided to give my Knight army one last hurrah under the older rules. What better to fight them but my Cadian armoured regiment. I invited a good friend of mine to take control of the tanks and I took the Knights. From the offset I knew this was going to be an uphill struggle.


The game finished in three turns with little interest in the objectives. The knights advanced but could not close the gap quick enough before the might of the imperial guns crippled each Knight one after the other. Highlights included the demolition vehicles causing carnage, the lancer missing with all its attacks twice and of course the volcano cannon one shorting the lancer. Overall a fun if not brutal show of strength from the guard, but I am looking forward to beefing up the knights with reinforcements.

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