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AuroraInbags Massive Darkness

AuroraInbags Massive Darkness

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Kickstarter Stretch Goal minies - Part 1

Tutoring 7
Skill 18
Idea 10
Hellsbane - FrontHellsbane - Front
Hellsbane - backHellsbane - back
Iron GolemIron Golem
Chromatis (front)Chromatis (front)
Chromatis (back)Chromatis (back)
Low TrollLow Troll

As always, it’s mostly Army Painters range of paints. If anything else has been used, it will be noted.

Skin: Vampire Red, Dark Tone, Vampire Red + Babe Blonde (added in stages to slowly increase the highlight).
Bone: Skeleton Bone, Strong Tone, Skeleton Bone (only for edge highlight)
Metal: Gun Metal, Dark Tone, Shining Silver
Claws: Necromancer Cloak, Dark Tone, Necromancer Cloak + Pale Corpse
Leather: Leather Brown, Strong Tone, Leather Brown + Corpse Pale

Iron Golem
Silver: Gun Metal, Dark Tone, Gun Metal, Shining Silver
Gold: Weapon Bronze, Strong Tone, Bright Gold
Red wire: Vampire Red, Strong Tone
Rose: Mat Black, Ash Grey
Face: White (base), Red Tone + Dark Tone
Eyes: White, Babe Blonde

Skin: Stone Golem, Spaceship Exterior, White
Green Hair: Goblin Green, Green Tone, Goblin Green + White
Blue Hair: Crystal Blue, Blue Tone, Crystal Blue + White
Purple Hair: Oozing Purple, Purple Tone, Oozing Purple + White
Red Hair: Vampire Red, Red Tone, Vampire Red + White
Orange Hair: Mythical Orange, Red Tone, Mythical Orange + White
Yelow Hair: Moon Dust, Casandora Yellow (Citadel paint), Moon Dust + White
Gold: Sulfide Ochre (base), Bright Gold + White, Flesh Wash, Bright Gold + White

Low Troll
Light Skin: Kobold Skin, Leather Brown + Kobold Skin, Mummy Robes + Kobold Skin
Blue Skin: Troglodyte Blue + Kobold Skin + Mummy Robes, Dungeon Grey (for shadows), Mummy Robes (for highlights)
Boils: Skeleton Bone , Red Tone + Purple Tone, Mummy Robes
Leather: Leather Brown, Strong Tone, Leather Brown + Kobold Skin
Wood: Oak Brown, Dark Tone, Oak Brown + Ivory (Vallejo)
Skulls, nails: Skeleton Bone, Strong Tone, Skeleton Bone + Ivory (Vallejo)
Rock: Dunegon Grey, Dark Tone + Strong Tone, Dungeon Grey + Ivory (Vallejo)
Metal: Gun Metal, Dark Tone, Shining Silver
Rope: Hemp Robe, Strong Tone, Hemp Robe + Ivory (Vallejo)

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aurorainbagamachandavehawesMotion In Poetry Recent comment authors
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the blue on the troll looks very nice with all the small pink details 🙂

Cult of Games Member

The Rainbow work on Chromatis is excellent, looks like it will have been especially fiddly on the tail, but looks great.

Cult of Games Member

I absolutely love the unicorn! ?

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