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Colchester Games Fair

Colchester Games Fair

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Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 4
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The logo for this years event is in! It looks lovely! Designed by jack Burley! The logo for this years event is in! It looks lovely! Designed by jack Burley!

The idea behind the excellent logo is for it to have an image that makes you think of gaming, namely the D20 shape at the top.  We were very strict about avoiding the usual images used for gaming events such as dragons wizards and the like.  These are obviously cool but I worry that sometimes they can be off-putting for newcomers as, as we all know,  there is so much more to gaming than the usual swords and sorcery cliches!

Hope you like it.  Let me know what you think.

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Cult of Games Member

Looks very nice!

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