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Manda's (Amachan) Cheap & Cheerful Dice Tray

Manda's (Amachan) Cheap & Cheerful Dice Tray

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Ready to roll.

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 5

After all the varnishes were applied and cured, I put a thin line of PVA around the inside of the frame (The bit where the original back plate rests in). It fits in quite snug, so not sure that was necessary but you never know. I then put a thin line of super glue around the bottom of the frame to put on the plasticard back plate.

Ready to roll.

And the dice tray is done, quite a simple and quick built. Of course the painting was not entirely necessary and neither was the plasticard back plate, but they do add something to it. If anyone plans on doing one of these themselves, just follow the steps that you feel you want to take to make your dice tray.

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Cult of Games Member

Really like this!! I can see me making some of these for role-play nights, just 2 or 3 for around the table. Great work!

Cult of Games Member

Looks like it turned out pretty cool!

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