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Ollie paints..... Star Wars Legion

Ollie paints..... Star Wars Legion

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Thematic templates

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 9
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It’s Star Wars… you can’t not have thematic accessories… so my movement templates are getting R2’ed!

Having primed with Halfords grey primer, I basecoated with Vallejo Ghost Grey. This is my-go-to off-white colour that I always use to undercoat white.Having primed with Halfords grey primer, I basecoated with Vallejo Ghost Grey. This is my-go-to off-white colour that I always use to undercoat white.
Once the grey has dried, follow up with a coat of Vallejo WhiteOnce the grey has dried, follow up with a coat of Vallejo White
Once the white layer was dry, I applied a coat of Vallejo Gloss Varnish. The reason for this is it makes it much easier to clean up in case of any mistakes as a gloss coat is wipe clean! Once the white layer was dry, I applied a coat of Vallejo Gloss Varnish. The reason for this is it makes it much easier to clean up in case of any mistakes as a gloss coat is wipe clean!
I then selected random section of the template painting the blue in a 70/30 mix of Vallejo Imperial Blue/Magic Blue, and the metallic panels with Vallejo Chrome. Again, once these are dry I applied another coat of gloss varnishI then selected random section of the template painting the blue in a 70/30 mix of Vallejo Imperial Blue/Magic Blue, and the metallic panels with Vallejo Chrome. Again, once these are dry I applied another coat of gloss varnish
Finally, I give the templates a wash of GW Gloss Nuln Oil to pick out the panel lines. I then picked out the movement numbers in Chrome and covered them with FW Angron Red clear, this can also be done using the GW Spiritstone Red. Job Done!Finally, I give the templates a wash of GW Gloss Nuln Oil to pick out the panel lines. I then picked out the movement numbers in Chrome and covered them with FW Angron Red clear, this can also be done using the GW Spiritstone Red. Job Done!

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Cult of Games Member

Such a cool idea, and looks like they turned out great.

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