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Ollie paints..... Star Wars Legion

Ollie paints..... Star Wars Legion

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Tutoring 6
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Idea 3
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Thought I’d share how I painted my barricades – essential cover for your troops!

After priming with Halfords Grey Primer (Automobile grey primer for those in the colonies), the barricades were basecoated in a mix of Vallejo Black, Engine Grey and Dark Green, mixed in a ratio of 3/2/1. This gives a nice dark grey with a hint of green.After priming with Halfords Grey Primer (Automobile grey primer for those in the colonies), the barricades were basecoated in a mix of Vallejo Black, Engine Grey and Dark Green, mixed in a ratio of 3/2/1. This gives a nice dark grey with a hint of green.
Once the basecolour has dried, give them a wash with GW Gloss Nuln Oil to shade the recesses.Once the basecolour has dried, give them a wash with GW Gloss Nuln Oil to shade the recesses.
With the wash dry, apply a coat of matt varnishWith the wash dry, apply a coat of matt varnish
Once these previous steps are completed, you can leave them as they are, or you can add a little extra detail with some weathering. Taking some GW Leadbelcher, I applied a light drybrush to the raised edges for some more definition.Once these previous steps are completed, you can leave them as they are, or you can add a little extra detail with some weathering. Taking some GW Leadbelcher, I applied a light drybrush to the raised edges for some more definition.
On the rear of the barricades I painted the button/screens for some extra detail.On the rear of the barricades I painted the button/screens for some extra detail.
Et Voila! Am currently toying with the idea of a light dusting of white paint around the bottom before adding some snow effects for a really thematic look to tie them into my Hoth themed armyEt Voila! Am currently toying with the idea of a light dusting of white paint around the bottom before adding some snow effects for a really thematic look to tie them into my Hoth themed army

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