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Deathguard army - dugthefug1644

Deathguard army - dugthefug1644

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Foetid Bloat-drones. Converting a weapon.

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 2
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As you read from the description, I ended up with two sets of Dark Imperium Deathguard models.

As a result I had two identical easy build Bloat-drones to work with. I built them both the same with plague spitters.

I managed to cram both of them in to a 2000 point list and had a great time in their first trip out, but found that over a while that the Plague spitters 9″ range is too short to play some of the ranged weapons heavy opponents I have been playing.

The new Bloat-drones box set came out with new weapon options and the codex gave me some ideas as to what variety I might want in future.

Rather than buy a third Bloat-drone and use the weapons amongst my own two, I decided to convert myself a Heavy Blightlauncher. The studio model shows one side must be a ammunition tank and the other must be a three barrelled gun.

I made my ammo tank out of a diabetic needle cover. I took a saw to cut off the end to bring it down flat to the main body of the tank.

I used half of that sawn off cover end to make the right hand spitter look more like a blightlauncher.

I used offcuts from the Plaguespitters and some sprue to make the three barrells.

I used an offcut from the Plaguespitters to act as a ring holding up a connecting organic pipe from the ammo tank to the launcher. The other pieces have been added with green stuff.

Foetid Bloat-drones. Converting a weapon.

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Cult of Games Member

Such a cool model, and always nice to see some conversion work.

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