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Matt's Stormcasts

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Fly My Pretties!

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I’ve had the Prosecutor models for quite along time and was never quite sure how I was going to achieve the sharp white wings easily.

I tried a few different methods using washes over white, highlighting white over grey but I couldn’t quite get the finish I wanted.

In the end I washed a thinned down GW blue wash around the base of the wings and a thinned down Army Painter Strong Tone down the wings.

The get the cleaner look I wanted, I airbrushed white from the tips of the wings to blend up to the washes. I then touched up around the top of the wings with gold where the white had over sprayed slightly.

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Cult of Games Member

After a long absence from GW my wife and I have been considering whether or not to pick up the new Age of Sigmar starter set when it comes out, I think later this month. Looks like a lot of people are getting into it at the moment. No wonder with models like these 🙂


really liking the “bronzed” feel of the metallics on these 🙂

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