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Foehammer’s Konflikted Painting Table

Foehammer’s Konflikted Painting Table

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Another Busy Day

Tutoring 3
Skill 8
Idea 4

As it appears like it’s going to be another busy day with little time for hobby work, so I figured I’d update the plot with some instructional info from on of my previous units.

One of the cool things in K47 (and many Sci-Fi games for that matter) is power armor, and in K47 each force gets there own type. However, I was never a huge fan of the Clockwork Goblin US heavy infantry figs. To me, they appear to be wearing bell bottom pants, and the joints are too narrow. Also, given I play USMC, and they fight in the pacific, this armor looks like it would be too damned hot!

Another Busy Day

My solution. I was able to acquire some armored DUST commandos. While technically a larger gaming scale, as they are in power armor, the fact that they are larger is not readily apparent. They are beefier than the CG figs (big joints, no bell-bottoms), and their sleeveless arms seem like they would be more practical in the south Pacific.

The conversions required just 3 small changes:

1) head swaps – used Warlord USMC heads. I did need to use some greenstuff to extend the necks. Otherwise they looked odd.

2) Gun modification – these guys were carrying some kind of fancy multi-barreled ray gun. The k47 rules have them armed with assault rifles. I simply clipped off the energy ammo packs from the ray guns, and added a belt of shotgun shells. Quick and easy. Now they appear to be armed with a multi-barreled Gatling shotgun. Very thematic given they are Marines likely to be assaulting bunkers and tunnels.

3) adding an allied star – these are done after painting. I used Flames of War decals (15mm) to get a small scale capable of fitting on the 28mm infantry fig.

Another Busy Day

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davehawesfoehammer888 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Not an expert on the ranges at all, but for my tastes, I have to say I prefer your version!

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