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Deathguard army - dugthefug1644

Deathguard army - dugthefug1644

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Playing the wrong list :-)

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 1
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Turned up to a 2 verses 2 game – each combatant with 2000 points each – with a fluffy two battalion list, attempting to get a bumper stock of command dice. We got pummeled into the ground, but had a great time any way.

Was tagged up with a friend with 3 gigantic Knights, but was up against a horde of Leman Russ and Forge World heavy tanks and Space Marines and Imperial guard.

We lost but I set my own mini goals and took lots of moral victories – like my Demon Prince surviving under crippling fire power at the end of the battle and one of my Noxious Blightbringers damaging a tank with his plasma pistol before charging in and smashing two Primaris marines into bloody pulp with his bell.

Need to either learn and use stratagems to make use of all the command dice I have built my list to provide me with, or preferably take a list that is more elite and provides more mobility and ranged power at the expense of some re-rolls.

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Cult of Games Member

It’s always good to get some “personal best” records out of these games, even if you don’t get a win, plenty of fun in pulling off a tactic or attack that you’ve figured out from a previous game. Looks like good times were had by all!

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