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Beer for Dark Elves

Beer for Dark Elves

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I’ve dug through the box and so far I have 20 corsair’s, 15 Executioners with there swords missing, Dark Riders, and a collection of Spearmen and Crossbowmen.  Theres also a bag of bits.

I’m not quite sure whether to keep them on square bases or put them on round bases. I play age of sigmar, but I’m not sure how classic Dark Elves will fit in to this new world.

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Cult of Games Member

Some beautiful classic models in that mix. I have to say I think they would look smashing with an updated paint job and some nice round bases. That is just personal preference though, obviously has to fit the game you want to use them in.

Cult of Games Member

If you are going to paint them then you want the opportunity to use them. It would be a shame to put all that effort in and do a great job and then stick in in a box and ignore them forever. If AoS is your game then I say rebase them. Otherwise consider the possibility of other systems that still use square bases. Does anyone play Kings of Way in your area?

Cult of Games Member

Swapping a bottle of Hobgoblin (Drink of the Gods) for a bunch of back stabbing sneaky under handed Elves, not a bad swap, but next time try for some Dwarves. It should be easy to fit the oldies into the new system, new paint job...bases and of you go. You could always mix them in with the new stuff, itll make for an interesting army.

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