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Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire - Iron Skull's Boyz

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire - Iron Skull's Boyz

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Iron Skull's Boyz

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 1

My Orruk Warband for Shadespire, Ironskull’s Boyz.

When I started painted them I originally tried the yellow of the studio miniatures.  I have always struggled with painting yellow (who hasn’t!?) but thought I would give it a go to try and push my skills.  I soon realised that I have started to run before I could walk I think and put them on the shelf and ignored them.

I saw an excellent looking blue painted Orruk warband in White Dwarf and decided I will take them off the shelf and start from scratch with blue.  I painted them up extremely quickly as I was really enjoying myself! I am happy with the stark edge highlights on the armour and the skin tone.

If anyone has any tips on painting yellow that would be much appreciated!

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Cult of Games Member

These look great, nice work getting the eyes and tongues picked out so neatly! Apologies I can’t give any tips on painting yellow 🙂

Cult of Games Member

Really nice job. I’ve just started my own set of the boyz and thanks for the inspiration!


these are looking great 🙂
quick tip on painting yellow, paint the whole area a warm yellow,
and then do a recess wash with “Casendora Yellow”, and around the edges (not the whole thing) 😛
it’s as easy as that, and looks awesome with some pale yellow highlights to finish off 🙂
… if in doubt, just cheat the shadows 😉 ha ha

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