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Deathguard army - dugthefug1644

Deathguard army - dugthefug1644

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Freebie Terminators becomes multiple conversion project

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 0

Yes. I am aware I must appear very cheap with freebie miniatures chucked my way, but I assure you I am not begging for minis and I am just very lucky in my gaming club’s attitude to miniatures they no longer play with, or no longer wish to paint or be bothered to sell on eBay.

I was given a built Chaos Terminators unit of 5 minis. They were primed black and I had next to no knowledge of 40K when given them. I jumped into converting them with some green stuff, wanted to add spikes because I had seen that the studio painted Chaos Terminators and these were missing from my gifted models. I knew that I was about to buy the Dark Imperium box set so I knew that I would need to make them look infected and added some tumors and mutations that I am quite proud of.

Then I bought the Deathguard Codex and the Dark Imperium box arrived and I really enjoyed the hobby project I was now embarked upon. After reading the codex and then seeing the release of the Deathguard Blightlords I realised that my Terminators did not fit the army. All of the miniatures needed to have Baleswords or Bubotic axes. None of the miniatures should have power-fists, but 4 of mine did. The mutation of horns from the standard terminator helmets looked fine to me originally, but after seeing the array of head options being used for the new Blightlords my heads seemed lacking in comparison.

I turned to eBay to acquire a few swords, heads and bits, because being new to 40K I don’t have an extensive bits box to work from. The Blightlord axes and swords seemed expensive probably because of how new and sought after the parts were, so i decided to Nurgle up Powerswords instead.

I particularly like one of the conversion pieces involving a Bubotic axe made from off cuts of the Lord of contagion axe head and running through the power-fist with its fingers missing. Ridiculous but thematic and fun.

Just this week i added another terminator miniature to the unit and will eventually have a 7 man team (because as i creep slowly into the lore I find that 7 is a Nurgle friendly number). His axe is a combination of Manic Games Orc axe heads which look deliberately offset and odd. The head is also a mix of a Terminator augmented eye piece and a Manic Games Orc head. I know that the bolter is just a standard bolter, but I think people will forgive that it doesn’t look like a combi-bolter.


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davehawesdugthefug1644 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Love the effort here in all the little conversion touches! Have you had a chance to play with them yet?

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