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Construction phase complete!

Tutoring 0
Skill 6
Idea 4
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Construction phase complete!

Here is a picture of the whole castle with the build phase complete. I’m more or less pleased with how the construction turned out I think. I’m not the greatest model maker, but it’ll serve. ?

I’m quite pleased with the gaming possibilities the layout creates. I can imagine figures leaping off that wooden wall walk and clambering over the sloped roof of the stable. Hurling each other off the steps or over the walls down onto the rocks. Hiding in the open doorways, or launching an ambush out of those dark spaces under the wooden bridgy bits.

I think if I had more patience I might have made the stone blocks smaller on average – I think they start to look more fake the larger they get. The lord’s tower has very small bricks, so that contrast could be a bit jarring – though someone pointed out to me that maybe that tower could be the oldest part of the castle, built centuries before the rest in a different style. I like that idea.

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