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Star Wars Legion - Battle for the Jundland Wastes

Star Wars Legion - Battle for the Jundland Wastes

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Star Wars Legion - Battle for the Jundland Wastes

Tutoring 3
Skill 14
Idea 11

Upon the release of Star Wars Legion, some frantic purchasing and painting was undertaken!  After an initial photoshoot the Battle for the Jundland Wastes was joined.

Just for funsies, I converted an Imperial speeder to look like Luke had hijacked it from a Scout Trooper!

One particular Imperial Trooper leader was the MVP of the first two games, even surviving this full on barrage by a T-47!

Lord Vader was most pleased!

Star Wars Legion - Battle for the Jundland Wastes

The Rebels narrowly took the first two battles.  Imperials narrowly took the second two.  In the fifth battle, Vader sent Veers down in his stead with a unit of Snowtroopers.  That battle ended in a draw.

The Battle for the Jundland Wastes rages on!

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Dark Danegandavehawesteddymademedoit Recent comment authors
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These are fantastic! The biggest compliment I can give is to tell how much it makes me want to play the game, great job bud

Cult of Games Member

Really looks fantastic! Also seems like the game balance is feeling more or less spot on judging by the victory count so far.

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