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Erion's 40k Painting Mess

Erion's 40k Painting Mess

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Progress, Week ending 25th May 2018

Tutoring 0
Skill 7
Idea 0

I haven’t been getting much done on the hobby front lately, because reasons, but this week the bug hit me in a big way, and I got some progress made on a handful of models I’ve had since right around the time 40k 8th edition launched last summer.

My long-neglected Dark Imperium Starter set finally got some attention.  The last time I touched these guys was to attach some shoulder pad icons I got from Pop Goes the Monkey on Shapeways.  This week I got the whole set primered and applied the red base to a few with an airbrush for testing.  These two Intercessors are the first completed results from the set.

Blood Ravens Intercessors - the first of manyBlood Ravens Intercessors - the first of many

I also finished a single Custodian Guard model.  Retributor Gold Spray quickly became my best friend as painting this model was incredibly quick and painless.

Ready to take out the trash.Ready to take out the trash.

And finally a single Poxwalker done as a test to see if I could find a method of painting these guys quickly and effectively.  I’d say there is less than 90 minutes of work into this happy guy, so mission accomplished.

Progress, Week ending 25th May 2018

I also realized this week that I have a really good spot to set up  my lightbox in a somewhat permanent location, so hopefully the next batch of pictures won’t include the stunning backdrop of my messy computer desk.

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erionlancorz Recent comment authors
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Loving the date title of your work, hope to see more soon!

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