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Scampering Skaven!

Scampering Skaven!

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Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 5

Something a bit different this time. I wanted to create some simple terrain to go with army, just to help the tables feel a little less “generic”.  Nothing says “Skaven” like warp stone. After a little looking I came across this video:

How hard could it be? Not too hard as it turned out, although there’s definitely room for artistry in the painting of these things, there’s definitely room for improvement. Anyhow, here’s the stages of construction:

Cut the crystals out of foam. You'll need a sharp blade for this and patience - take it slow to avoid ripping bits out of the foam.Cut the crystals out of foam. You'll need a sharp blade for this and patience - take it slow to avoid ripping bits out of the foam.
The crystals were attached to a base and flocked. Then the foam was given a coat of PVA to help give it a little more durability.The crystals were attached to a base and flocked. Then the foam was given a coat of PVA to help give it a little more durability.

In hindsight I should have sealed the crystals first, let them dry and then base / flock them. But I was impatient. Oh well, no biggie, just a few bits stuck to the crystal that shouldn’t be 🙂


A dark green base coat for the crystals, applied with an airbrush (although brush on works too)A dark green base coat for the crystals, applied with an airbrush (although brush on works too)
Then, apply lighter and lighter greens / ellows to the middle of the facets until you're happy.Then, apply lighter and lighter greens / ellows to the middle of the facets until you're happy.

I’m pretty happy with these, given how easy they were to make. I think there’s scope to do a better job with the paint though, this is something I’ll work on.

You may have noticed that I’ve put my lighter colours in the center of the facets, not on the edges as in the video. This is just a matter of taste. I was aiming to make the crystals look like they’re illuminated from the inside, rather than focusing an external light source. Did I succeed? Who knows. I’m happy though.

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George SealyJanuineVisionangelicdespot Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I love these – they look so cool.

And it’s funny to think that the Skaven used to fight over tiny little pebbles and here are massive chunks of the stuff!

Cult of Games Member

great ideas and they look fantastic AND Skaven!!!!!! Love me some skaven. Great work so far 🙂

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