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More building

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 1
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More building

Here you can see a shot from the inside as the castle begins to grow. I used the tower from the old Warhammer castle as my lord’s tower.

To make the walls I used some blue foam sheets my friend (who is a much keener and better modeller than me) had spare and gave to me. It comes in different thicknesses, but I used approx 10mm for these walls to give them some substance.

It is beautiful stuff to work with, very easy to cut. I suspect it isn’t the hardest wearing material in the world, so maybe not best for terrain that will see very regular use.

I used a retractable pencil to score on the shapes of stone blocks, and made wooden details out of thin balsa.

I think we can all agree that painting inside that open doorway is a going to be a massive pain in the neck, but never mind. Ever onward.

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