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Time of the Daleks

Time of the Daleks

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Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 2
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Since the Daleks are already cast in gold plastic, I thought I’d save time by just painting the bits of black, silver and white detail and then giving them a quick wash. I started by giving the plastic a coat of Army Painter anti-shine matte varnish, so the paint (and especially the wash) will have something to stick to.

Here's a test with matt varnish over bare plastic, followed by a Strong Tone wash. Looks pretty good, and should save a lot of time.Here's a test with matt varnish over bare plastic, followed by a Strong Tone wash. Looks pretty good, and should save a lot of time.
Here's the final version with some details added and the base painted. I think for the rest of the Daleks I'll do the details before the wash.Here's the final version with some details added and the base painted. I think for the rest of the Daleks I'll do the details before the wash.

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