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Matt's Stormcasts

Matt's Stormcasts

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Starting Off

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 2
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As I said in the project introduction, I started collecting Stormcast Eternals as part of a ‘Tale of 4 Gamers’ challenge that we were running at our club in Bridgend, South Wales.

For those who are unfamiliar, a ‘Tale of 4 Gamers’ challenge  encourages you to expand your new army steadily over time. This is done by adding new units to your army on a monthly basis.

If I remember correctly we started month 1 with a ‘Getting Started’ box, month 2 was a character, month 3 was any unit and month 4 was a monster.

Stormcasts appealed to me intially as I had enjoyed painting a set of Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard a few years ago and I fancied painting some gold again!

My Sanguinary Guard Painted in 2011My Sanguinary Guard Painted in 2011

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